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Connect, engage, and discover career opportunities in energy
Telus Convention Centre - Calgary, Canada

Career Connections - Video Series Discussing Today's Energy Labor Market

Switch Up Your Career at Energy Works Career Expo!

Energy Works Career Expo was joined by one of our steering committee members, Jon Cornish, Chancellor of the University of Calgary, to share his perspective on the significance of the event.

Unlike traditional career fairs, Energy Works offers a holistic approach to career development. Our expo isn't just about finding a job; it's about shaping your career and stepping closer to your dream job. With every visitor pass, you gain access to a wealth of benefits that are tailored to elevate your career journey.

#energyworkscareer #energyworks #careerdevelopment #jobopportunity

For more content like this, SUBSCRIBE to the Energy Works Career Expo Channel. Are you already subscribed to our channel? Then, tap the bell to stay up to date for the latest news and innovation surrounding the energy industry.

Opportunities for Indigenous People in Energy - Dale Swampy | National Coalition of Chiefs

Dale Swampy, President & CEO of National Coalition of Chiefs, joins the Career Connections Series to discuss their mandate to defeat on-reserve poverty, the importance of letting Indigenous individuals know about existing opportunities in energy, and projects coming up in sustainable energy.

#energyworkscareer #nationalcoalitionofchiefs #indigenouspeople #energyopportunities

For more content like this, SUBSCRIBE to the Energy Works Career Expo Channel. Are you already subscribed to our channel? Then, tap the bell to stay up to date for the latest news and innovation surrounding the energy industry.

Advancing the Alberta Economy - Winona Lafreniere | National Energy Business Centre of Excellence

In this Career Connections Series video, Winona Lafreniere, Director of National Energy Business Centre of Excellence, delves into the energy sector and the changes we're seeing in the Indigenous workspace, as well as the gaps and skills we are seeing today in Alberta.

#energyworkscareer #indigenousworkspace #alberta #skillsgap

For more content like this, SUBSCRIBE to the Energy Works Career Expo Channel. Are you already subscribed to our channel? Then, tap the bell to stay up to date for the latest news and innovation surrounding the energy industry.

Navigating the Energy Industry - Kay-Lee Eckhard | Buffalo Mission Energy Corp

Kay-Lee Eckhard, Land Analyst at Buffalo Mission Energy Corp, joins the Career Connections Series to discuss career transitions into the energy sector, job security, and navigating the rapidly evolving energy landscape.

#energyworkscareer #BuffaloMissionEnergyCorp #energycareer #jobsecurity

For more content like this, SUBSCRIBE to the Energy Works Career Expo Channel. Are you already subscribed to our channel? Then, tap the bell to stay up to date for the latest news and innovations surrounding the energy industry.

Women Representation in Energy - Katie Smith-Parent | Young Women in Energy

In this Career Connections Series video, Katie Smith-Parent, Executive Director of Young Women in Energy, delves into her professional journey, motivations, and the significance of having more female representation within the energy sector.

#energyworkscareer #youngwomeninenergy #womenrepresentation #energy

For more content like this, SUBSCRIBE to the Energy Works Career Expo Channel. Are you already subscribed to our channel? Then, tap the bell to stay up to date for the latest news and innovation surrounding the energy industry.

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